Hello, welcome to My Trip Pura Vida!
We are Stephanie and Marco and we are from Costa Rica. Probably if you came to this site it is because, like us, you decided to give you the opportunity to get out of the routine, to experience, to discover and to live a little more.
In an afternoon of coffee, we talked about how small Costa Rica is and how little we knew it; between cup and cup, it occurred to us that we could start a creative project where we combined our affinity for audiovisuals to get out of the routine, take off from our office and explore our wonderful country. It was at that moment when My Trip Pura Vida was born. The main basis of our project is to give all users who visit this blog and share with us in social networks, detailed information on how to reach the wonderful destinations that Costa Rica has to offer.
Like many of you, we have spent thousands of hours behind a computer and realized that we must have a healthy balance between working and giving time for ourselves. We decided to give ourselves experiences and to be impressed by nature.
We are not experts in travel, we have got soaked, we have been muddy to the elbows, we have been bitten by the mosquitoes, and burned by the sun, but there is not a single thing that has ruined our walks. We want to share with you all those details and what to take into account so that you enjoy more each destination that we will present.
Travel, take your loved ones and give them experiences, material can be lost or steal, but not memories. Traveling can teach us more about ourselves, enhances our confidence, and dare us to take risks. We learn something different from each experience and know more about those who accompany us in them.
We hope that this project and the desire that we have to get you out of the routine materialize, that would be our biggest prize and the motivation to go out and continue making our videos and this blog.
Get to know Costa Rica with us.
We say goodbye, wishing you to have trips PURA VIDA.